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ABRAHAO, D. C. ; VIEIRA, F. H. T. . Adaptive envelope process and minimum service curve applied to resource block allocation in the LTE downlink. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF COMMUNICATION SYSTEMS, v. 32, p. e3829, 2019.

VAZ, RAFAEL R. C. ; FRANCO, RICARDO A. P. ; CORRÊA, HENRIQUE P. ; VIEIRA, FLÁVIO H. T. ; ARAÚJO, SÉRGIO G. . Algorithms for Selecting and Interconnecting Switches to Automate Power Grids Considering Continuity Indexes and Reliability. JOURNAL OF CONTROL, AUTOMATION AND ELECTRICAL SYSTEMS, v. 8, p. 1-10, 2019.


CARDOSO, A. A. ; VIEIRA, F. H. T. . Adaptive fuzzy flow rate control considering multifractal traffic modeling and 5G communications. PLoS One, v. 14, p. e0224883, 2019.

CARDOSO, A.A. ; Vieira, F.H.T. . Adaptive estimation of Haar wavelet transform parameters applied to fuzzy prediction of network traffic. SIGNAL PROCESSING, v. 151, p. 155-159, 2018.

ROCHA, FLAVIO GERALDO COELHO ; VIEIRA, FLAVIO HENRIQUE TELES . A Channel and Queue-Aware Scheduling for the LTE Downlink Based on Service Curve and Buffer Overflow Probability. IEEE Wireless Communications Letters, v. 8, p. 1-1, 2018.

CRUZ ABRAHÃO, DIEGO ; TELES VIEIRA, FLÁVIO HENRIQUE . Scheduling algorithm for the LTE downlink with F-OFDM using adaptive multifractal envelope process and minimum service curve. Computer Networks, v. 146, p. 12-32, 2018.

SOUZA, G. B. C. ; VIEIRA, F. H. T. ; ARAUJO, S. G. ; CASTRO, M. S. ; de Deus Júnior, G. A. . Developing Smart Grids Based on GPRS and ZigBee Technologies Using Queueing Modeling-Based Optimization Algorithm. ETRI Journal, v. 38, p. 41-51, 2016.

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